Monday, March 9, 2015

11 Foot Giant Human Remains at Circular Earthen Fort in Erie County Pennsylvania

11 Foot Giant Human Remains at Circular Earthen Fort in Erie County, Pennsylvania

History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, 1884 
     On the John Pomeroy place, upon the second flat of Conneaut Creek, are the traces of an ancient mound, such as exist in Girard, Springfield, Harbor Creek, Fairview, Wayne, and other townships of the county. It is circular in form, inclosing about three-fourths of an acre. The embankment, when the country was cleared up, was about three feet high by six feet thick at the base, with large trees growing upon it. One of these trees, a mammoth oak, when cut down, indicated by its rings an age of five hundred years. Beneath the tree the skeleton of a human being was taken up which measured eleven feet from head to foot, the jawbone easily covered that of a man who weighed over 200 pounds, and the lower bone of the leg, being compared with that of a person who was six feet four inches in height, was found to be nearly a foot longer. Another circle of a similar character existed on the Taylor farm-now owned by J. L. Strong
for details click below

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