Monday, March 9, 2015

Shou Shu Martial Arts

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Shou Shu Martial Arts


Like many of you, I have good intentions. I want to take up a class that will be both fun and help me be physically fit at the same time. I tried attending a ballet class but between work and kids, I had to skip more classes then attend. I tried the gym but by the time I was ready to go, they were closed. When the opportunity arrived for me to review Shou Shu Martial Arts I decided to give it a try.

Signing Up:

The process of signing up was very simple. After creating a screen name along with my e-mail and password, I was ready to verify and get started. The process took my no more then 2 minuets.

Getting Started:

After I was verified, I watched a short video introducing Shou Shu Martial Arts and was then let to explore the website. The overall design is very smile. There is the main page with a green navigation bar. The bar allows you to further explore the website from taking classes to getting to know the people. 

After I explore the different sections, I got started seeing what Shou Shu Martial Arts offers. As of right now, they are a new website and offer a few belt colors. You can print out a sheet that says what you are required to master starting with yellow belt A and working your way up. 

As for the classes they seem to be a film of another class. The class is complete with a teacher as well as the student working. I have to say the video quality may not be the best, but the teacher knows what he is doing and fun to listen to. I have started watching the videos and plan on mastering his teachings. 

As a person with little to no time on my hands, Shou Shu Martial Arts is perfect for me. I can get my physical activity in while learning some useful skills from some master teachers.

Since taking any form of Martial Arts is a process, this is just my introduction. I will be updating you all weekly with my experiences and how I am doing. As for right now, I have gotten a nice grasp on how Shou Shu Martial Arts works. I will be back next friday with an update as to how my first week of Shou Shu Martial Arts went.

*Just a little side note, this webiste is very new and I was warned they have some glitches to work out. If I am happy as it is now, I can only imagine how much better it will be in the future.

If you are interested in joining Shou Shu Martial Arts, click on any of the links above. Signing up is free and they have some great free classes to offer as well.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

As a special ending to this health week, Shou Shu Martial Arts is giving away access to their Shou Shu Martial Arts program. They have a whole list of courses and I am already on my way to getting my Yellow Belt A. I hope you will enter the raffle and enjoy learning Shou Shu Martial Arts on your own schedule.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
for details click below

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