Monday, March 9, 2015

Sho Shu Martial Arts Week 4

I have a confession to make. I have been having internet troubles for the past week. We had the guy here so many times and I cannot imagine why he cannot figure out what is wrong.

During the day, I can steel an hour or two to blog at free internet cafes but doing Shou Shu Martial Arts is a whole different story. I took this as a learning experience to see if I remember what I previously learned. In a way, it was like a mini test for me and it was amazing. I got to really focus on areas of improvement and keep up with my kick-punch routine.

As I was able to check my e-mails, the Shou Shu Martial Arts instructor gave some really great tips on how to keep at it. This week he mentioned that the gi is super important. It is not only helpful for a live class, but when you are in uniform it transforms you. I have briefly taken martial arts as a child and we did not have to wear the gi. I think this will be great experience to wear it for the first time.

I hope it arrives before the end of the week so I can see how staying in uniform helps me out. I will report back to you my progress doing Shou Shu Martial Arts in full uniform.

Did you take martial arts as a child?
Did you have to wear a gi?

for details click below

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