Sunday, March 8, 2015

Whats It Like to Be a Fish


Whats It Like to Be a Fish?
Written By: Wendy Pfeffer
Illustrated By: Holly Keller


Whats It Like to Be a Fish? is a 32 page illustrated book about fish. The book starts off with some simplistic yet beautiful illustrations of various fish including the Veiltail Goldfish and the Lakes Whitefish. The illustrations are a fun way to start off the book. After that it starts talking about different environments fish live in like a pond and aquarium. As the book goes on, they continue to show the different varieties of fish.

The introduction to the fishes habitats are amazing and very cute for children. The text is simple and easy to follow. It is at this point of the book, the author starts talking more about fish. Included in the book are some fun facts like what makes a fish different form a person. The also talk about the fishes scales and the coating found on them.

If that is not interesting enough, the book includes different diets like what humans eat versus what a fish can eat. The book then compares what is is like to live in the while versus a fish tank. The end of the book includes a small list for any child looking to start their own fish tank.


  • Educational
  • Different species of fish
  • Different habitats for fish
  • Compares the differences between humans and fish
  • Child friendly facts
  • Some of the pages have a lot of text so you might have to modify it for younger children interested in learning about fish. 
  • This book has a list of how to care for a fish, so what better way to care for a fish then to get your child a fish. If you have room, get a 10 gallon tank and point out the different species to your child and ask them which ones the want. If you have limited space then a beta will do. Caring for a fish can be both fun and educational. The child will not only learn about fish but also responsibility like feeding and cleaning the tank. 
  • This is for the more artsy children, but you can make a fish habitat. Start off with a shoe box and ask your child if you want to learn about fresh or saltwater fish. After that line the tank with blue tissue paper with water. With pieces of construction paper, start making a habitat based on the location you chose. You can add seaweed, sand, rocks, and then the fish. This is a great hands on way for your child to show what he knows.
Age Range:
  • 3-9
  • If you plan on setting up a home aquarium
  • If you have a home aquarium and want your child to learn more
  • Before you take your child to an aquarium
  • A child interested in fish and marine biology
Bottom Line:

Whats It Like to Be a Fish? is a great book that you must have in your library. I find it great to read before we go to the aquarium, when we set up our fish tank or just for random fun facts. The illustrations are very child friendly and if they are not being read to, there is much to be learned just from flipping though the book.

*If you are interested in Whats It Like to Be a Fish? click the book above to order.

for details click below

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