Wednesday, March 18, 2015


One of the oldest traditions of mankind is the celebration of the New Year.
But, how did it start?
Some say that the Chinese were the first to celebrate the New Year and we know that they have always known their New Year, which comes after ours. The festivities on this occasion lasted several days.
The old Germans have begun to celebrate the New Year as a feature of the changing seasons. Winter in their country begins about mid-November, and that was a time when residents gathered crops. Since then, they all rallied, rejoicing because the harvest was completed and they could rest, so in this way their holiday was created, the beginning of the new year, although the month was November.
When the Romans conquered Europe, they have changed the time period of the celebration, and the New Year was celebrated at the first of January.
For them, the New Year was a symbol of the beginning of a new life and new hope for the future. This usage and meaning of what has been given to the New Year have remained to this day. Therefore, we welcome the New Year happy and lucky, because we hope it will bring us all the best.
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